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"Scholokhov Readings - 2020"


From September 2 to September 4, 2020, there will be held a traditional scientific-practical conference “Study of Mikhail Sholokhov’s work at the present stage: problems, concepts, approaches” (“Sholokhov Readings-2020”).

The 2020 year is full of major dates that set the main vector of research for the scientific community: 450 years of service of the Don Cossacks to the Russian state, 115 years from the birthday of Mikhail Sholokhov, 75 years of the Great Victory.

The main areas of the conference will be:

Directions and prospects for the study of biography, creative and social activities of Mikhail Sholokhov;

Creativity of Mikhail Sholokhov in the context of Russian literature of the twentieth century;

The Great Patriotic War in the life and work of Mikhail Sholokhov;

World recognition of Mikhail Sholokhov;

The textological aspect of the study of the literary heritage of Mikhail Sholokhov and the experience of scientific commenting.

The study of the work of Mikhail Sholokhov in higher and secondary school. Scientific publication of the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don" in the teaching experience.

Mikhail Sholokhov: foreign and domestic literary criticism in the XX-XXI centuries.

The Cossack rebel movement of the Civil War period and the first years of Soviet power on the pages of Mikhail Sholokhov.

Heritage of Mikhail Sholokhov in the theater, cinema, art.

The novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" by Mikhail Sholokhov: history and modernity.

Museum in the modern world.


In the final part of the conference a round table will be held. Following the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of articles "Vyoshensky Vestnik".

We invite researchers of life and work of by Mikhail Sholokhov, Russian history and literature to participate in the conference. Applications for participation in the conference as a speaker are accepted until August 15, 2020.

We hope that the external situation will allow holding the conference in a traditional format. For all organizational matters, contact:

 Lidia Slyusarenko - scientific secretary of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

Work telephone number: (86353) 24-5-14; mobile telephone number: 8 928 771 72 12.

E-mail: lida_nik86@mail.ru