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"And Quiet Flows the Don" by Sergey Ursulyak in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Start


5 years ago, in 2015, viewers saw a new film adaptation of Mikhail Sholokhov's "And Quiet Flows the Don" (directed by S. Ursulyak). A large number of its episodes were filmed in the vicinity of the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, in the homeland of the author of the novel. Many employees of the museum-reserve not only took an active part in the filming, but also helped the film crew in search of props, clothes, provided advice on various issues and other assistance. Senior Researcher Viktor Boldyrev became one of these assistants. He told us about his work with the film crew. And we share with our readers.

At the beginning of June 2013, Aleksander Sholokhov, then the director of the museum, called me and puzzled. In honor of the 110th anniversary of Mikhail Sholokhov film director Serghey Ursulyak will shoot a serial film "And Quiet Flows the Don" commissioned by the TV channel "Russia". Then I first learned that there would be another - the fourth - adaptation of the famous novel by Sholokhov. Representatives of the film crew come to Vyoshenskaya, and I was to work with them as a guide.

Before the first visit to Vyoshenskaya Serghey Ursulyak reviewed candidates for roles in a new film in theaters in the South of Russia - Krasnodar, Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don. The first day of his stay in our stanitsa the guest devoted to inspecting the objects of the museum-reserve in stanitsa Karginskaya, farm Kruzhilinsky and stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. He was struck by the nature of the Upper Don, which he subsequently lovingly reflected in his film. Serghey Ursulyak was impressed by our museum: its scale, level, originality.

In the evening in the museum, the director met with the writer's family members in the office. The writer's daughters, Svetlana and Maria, and the writer's grandson Alexander were present. Everyone, naturally, was worried about the questions: what actors would be involved in the film, who would play Grighory and Aksinya. Serghei Ursulyak asked those present who they would like to see in these roles. The actors from the director's "clip" were named - Serghei Makovetsky, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Porechenkov. But the age of the named famous actors was much older than of the literary personages. And the names of specific performers of the roles during this meeting were not given from Ursulyak.

I asked everyone to take a picture, the meeting participants gladly accepted this offer.

My work with the film crew continued. I had to answer lots of questions related to the life of the Upper Don Cossacks. In particular, the film crew was very interested in the local dialect - "Upper Don dialect" ("gutor") and the performance of Cossack songs. Serghei Ursulyak met with Olga Ponomareva, the leader of the Mrykhinsky Cossack Choir in the Verkhnedonsky District, with amateur participants of the Antipovsky Choir in the Sholokhovsky District, as well as with local residents.

The experience of working with the film crew filming “And Quiet Flows the Don” in the 21st century was extremely interesting and useful for me. Firstly, working with gifted people is always a huge positive charge. Secondly, and perhaps this is the main conclusion: as a local resident of the Don region, an experienced museum guide, I felt proud that I work in our institution. The National Sholokhov museum-reserve will be in demand by more than one generation of people.


Victor Boldyrev

To be continued.