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Ceremonic Planting of the Apple Variety Sholohovskoye


On May 24, 2020, in the 115th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov, after laying flowers at the grave of him and his wife Maria Sholokhova, a ceremonial planting of young apple trees of the variety Sholokhovskoye took place in the Garden of Memory of the Writer and on the territory of the Children's Museum Center of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

The planting was attended by the writer's grandson, State Duma deputy, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Alexander Sholokhov; Secretary of the Union of Writers of Russia, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Truba; representative of the Michurin stanitsa Cossack society ALexander Babaytsev; Director of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve Olga Anistratenko.

The apple tree variety was developed by the authors of the Federal Research Center named after Ivan Michurin under the leadership of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolay Savelyev. Never before had Michurinsky varieties of fruit crops been given the names of writers. Such an event occurred for the first time. This winter, columnar, scab immune genotype is characterized by relatively high resistance to low temperatures. The fruits of the winter period of consumption, weighing 170-190 g, are rounded in shape, attractive in appearance.

It should be noted that the variety was bred in honor of the writer Mikhail Sholokhov is no coincidence. Sholokhov repeatedly described this tree in his works. Only in the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don" he mentions the apple tree 7 times, this is the largest number of references in comparison with other fruit crops. “The misty twisted distance, the apple trees in the garden flooded with meltwater, the wet fence and the road behind it with last year’s deeply washed ruts - everything seemed to her unprecedentedly beautiful ...”.

The place of tree planting, the Garden of Memory and the Children's Museum Center, was not accidental. Sholokhov supported young talents and helped with advice. “I love youth ... And I look at it with hope, like an apple tree in bloom ...”, Mikhail Sholokhov said. And now Sholokhov’s word is alive, it speaks reverently in the hearts of youth, penetrating into the soul.


Oksana Turchina