Illustrations by O.G.Vereisky
The famous artist Orest Vereisky transferred a collection of his illustrations ...
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NewsExample Worthy of Imitation23.05.2020May 23, 2020 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov, the youngest son of the writer. Since childhood, Misha read a lot, was fond of sports, loved nature. After school, he entered Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov at the Faculty of Biology. There he met his future wife, Valentina Alimkhanova, about whom he said with love: “She was the most beautiful. One in a million…". After his student years Mikhail Sholokhov worked in Moscow in the Commission for the Conservation of Nature under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1964, he moved to Rostov-on-Don with his wife and son Sasha. In 1972 he became a candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, he worked as a teacher of philosophy at first Rostov University, and later at the Rostov faculty of the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1992, Mikhail Sholokhov retired with the rank of colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and returned with his family to his native stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Evgheniy Shaposhnikov, the head of the Public Council at the Don Ministry of Internal Affairs recalls: “He was undoubtedly a talented and wonderful person. Gentle, dignified, the son of his father. People tended to be drawn to him. Visiting Mikhail Sholokhov at home, in the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, I saw how modest his life was. Well, he lived with his wife in a small house. " In family life, Mikhail Sholokhov was happy, carefully listening to the advice of his wife, Valentina Sholokhova, with whom they had lived for 56 years! Vladimir Tolstoy, cultural adviser to the President of Russia, said: “This is a very close person to me. There are hardly people like him now. Unusually conscientious, deep, with a tender soul. Amazingly decent.” Since 1999, Mikhail Sholokhov worked as the chief consultant of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. In 2004 his book “About the Father. Essays-memoirs of different years”, dedicated to various periods of the life of the writer and his family was published. For us, the life of Mikhail Sholokhov is an example worthy of imitation.
Natalya Kirsanova |