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Anniversary of Alexander Sholokhov, theSon of the Writer


May 18, 2020 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sholokhov, the eldest son of the writer, who was born in Rostov-on-Don and was named after his paternal grandfather. His childhood and youth passed in stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

The museum funds have in keeping the interesting memory of M.G. Mihina, a classmate of the writer’s son: “He was a mischievous boy, did not really like the girls. Sasha Sholokhov often told us about the hunt. From childhood, his father took him for hunting and fishing”. Sasha Sholokhov did not stand out, played football, read a lot, and had many friends. E.P. Lugovoi, friend of A.M. Sholokhov, recalled: “Everyone called Sasha Sholokhov Alik. He was 10-11 years old, and already in these years, he was fond of such serious works as “The Financier” by Theodor Dreiser. Fortunately, the library of Mikhail Alexandrovich was the richest". In 1948, Alexander Mikhailovich entered the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev at the fruit and vegetable faculty. During his studies, he met his future wife, Violeta Antonova Gosheva, daughter of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Bulgaria.

After graduating from the university and defending candidate dissertations, the young couple ended up in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, six kilometers from Yalta.

Annually A.M. Sholokhov and his family spent part of their vacation in Bulgaria, and part on the Don. The favorite vacation was a trip with the relatives for fishing and hunting. “And Sasha had his own gun, and Violeta had his own”, recalls Svetlana Sholokhova, the eldest daughter of the writer.

In the family of Alexander Mikhailovich everyone was fascinated by the nature of Crimea: spouses and then children engaged in selection, bred their own varieties of decorative and fruit trees, created many new types of flowers. Among the varieties of chrysanthemums included in the National Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine, there is one, special. The names of the three sisters of the Sholokhovs, Masha, Nina, and Tanya, are encrypted in it.

Alexander Mikhailovich died on September 20, 1990, and Violeta Antonovna died on August 16, 2008. Bright memory to them!


Natalya Kirsanova