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"Victory Day" in Vyoshenskaya


A great holiday was Victory Day for our large country. The residents of Vyoshensky district also celebrated it. They did a lot to bring the great Victory closer. They fought valiantly on the fronts of the war, worked on fields and farms, exceeding the norms, supplied the front, and restored the destroyed economy. 

Mikhail Sholokhov met this day together with his fellow countrymen. The writer went on all fronts of Second World War as a war correspondent for the Sovinformburo, the newspapers “Pravda” and “Krasnaya Zvezda”. 

In the regional newspaper "Bolshevik Don", which was published on Sunday, May 13, 1945, the greeting of Mikhail Sholokhov was printed on the first page "On Victory Day." It said: "Pride for our native Red Army, for our great people - these are feelings that inseparably own our hearts on Victory Day." 

On the same page there was published an article by N. Mitrofanov “The Popular Triumph of the Victorious People”. The article described how the Vyoshentsy met the long-awaited Victory Day on May 9, 1945: 

“Before the first rays of the spring sun were splashed, the entire population of the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, from young to old, was on its feet. People with tears of joy in their eyes embraced, kissed and congratulated each other on their victory over Nazi Germany. 

Heralds from house to house spread the good news of the end of the war. In groups and alone, despite the early hour of the morning, the people reached out to the square - to the center of the stanitsa. The whole population gathered here without exception. 

In a solemn joyful atmosphere, a rally opened dedicated to the victory of the Red Army over Nazi Germany.

 ... One by one, the leaders of the Communist Party, the district executive committee, workers, collective farmers, and the intelligentsia climb the rostrum. 

A bright, penetrating to the depths of the soul, speech was made by the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - writer Mikhail Sholokhov. 

... Collective farmers, workers, office workers, intelligentsia have given their word that they will work even better, give the Country more products and thereby heal the wounds inflicted by the fascist beast in our region as soon as possible. 

A salute of weapons, the beeps of the ship’s wharf, heralded the end of the war. But the people for a long time did not diverge from the square, discussing the triumph of victory and the construction of a new peaceful life. 

... Until late at night joyful songs of victory were rushing, sounds of harmonics and dashing Cossack dance”. 

Rallies dedicated to Victory Day were held on May 9, 1945 in all the villages of the Vyoshensky district. 


Ekaterina Karbysheva