Memorial Medal from Bulgaria
A souvenir medal “1300 Years of Bulgaria” is kept in the ...
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News“Memory Garden” of the Great Patriotic War Participants in the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve13.04.2020April 11, 2020 employees of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve together with employees of the Sholokhov territorial forestry joined the International campaign “Memory Garden”. They planted 1,000 seedlings of oak, pine and bird cherry in the territory of the protected natural landscape of the museum-reserve. The action "Memory Garden" is one of the key events of the Year of Memory and Glory, held throughout Russia. It is planned that from March 18 to June 22 in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation 27 million seedlings will be planted in memory of everyone who died in the Great Patriotic War. The international campaign “Memory Garden” is organized by the All-Russian Public Movement “Victory Volunteers” and the Victory Commemorative Commemoration Fund with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Forestry Agency and the federal state budget institution “Roslesinforg”. The main goal of the action is to strengthen the unity of the Russians by involving them in a socially significant project for planting trees, to consolidate the civic activity of the population, public and volunteer organizations. The idea of ??planting trees on the eve of the greatest holiday for our people, the Day of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, was supported by the museum staff.
Igor Movchan |