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National sholokhov museum-reserve invites online space


In connection with measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection and because of Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No.363 of March 17, 2020, the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve has suspended the reception of visitors at all objects. The museum continues its functions to promote cultural heritage online. 

The accessibility of the museum collections is ensured by online excursions and video lectures, videos of our artistic and journalistic compositions, videos of museum literary and folklore and literary and ethnographic holidays are available for wide access. 

We offer to view: 

An online tour of one of the most interesting exhibitions of our museum, “To dear Mikhail Alexandrovich ...”. It presents memorable gifts and souvenirs - special, unique items presented to M. Sholokhov from his family and friends, famous people and readers who knew him only from books.

The video performance "The Writer and the Leader" about events during the difficult period for our country of the 30s – 40s, about the correspondence of Mikhail Sholokhov with Iosif Stalin, in which the writer spoke about the difficult process of collectivization, the tough grain procurement policy, the fierce famine in the Don farms and villages. In the period from 1931 to 1950, Sholokhov sent Stalin 14 letters and small notes, was at his reception for 12 times. During the performance, viewers learn about the events that took place on the Don land during this period, see photographs and footage of the chronicle of that time, hear the immortal Sholokhov word. 

The master class "Don musical” is a thematic lesson that tells about the folk Cossack song and music in the life of the Don Cossacks, about how wind, percussion and noise musical instruments were used on the Upper Don. 

"Horse to the Cossack is the dearest." Excursion to the stables of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will talk about the way of life of the Cossacks, an integral part of which was a horse,  a true friend of the Cossack, and you will learn the traditions of Don horse breeding at the stables of the  Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The guide will tell about the features of horse care, show an indoor arena for winter training of horses, horse stalls, in which horses are contained, a forage pantry, saddlery, a paddock for horse walking and a carriage room, where carriages of different times are located. Here you can see the Cossack "line", the bedar, sled, the "cart" of the Civil War. 

The thematic workshop “Cossack war outfit for service” tells about how the Cossacks took care of their faithful companion, a war horse, and taught how to clean and saddle a horse. 

Old House of M. Sholokhov. The guide introduces the house in which M. Sholokhov lived with his family from 1928 to 1935. Here he wrote the third book of the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don" and the first book of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned". From here, in the difficult 30s, Sholokhov wrote letters to Stalin, asking for help to fellow countryman. 

Excursion to the exhibition "Sholokhov. Nobel triumph." The exhibition presents objects from the collection of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, which talk about the world significance of the writer's work and the presentation of the Nobel Prize in literature to him. 

Excursion to the exhibition "The World of the Sholokhov Estate". The exhibition presents genuine objects from the memorial house in which Sholokhov lived with his family from January 14, 1949 to February 21, 1984 and where the story “The Fate of a Man” was created, the second book of the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” and where Mikhail Sholokhov worked over the novel "They Fought for the Country" until the last days of his life.  

Footage invite to join the literary-folklore and literary-ethnographic holidays: 

“Cossack Horse is the Dearest for him”

"Children's Sholokhov Spring"

"Sholokhov Spring"

"Kruzhilinskie Toloki"

“Karginskaya Fair”


We hope that this format of the museum’s presentation will give our virtual visitors a new interesting experience.