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IX Youth Scholochov Readings Held in the “Sholokhov-Center”


On February 29, 2020 the IX open city scientific-practical conference “Youth Sholokhov Readings-2020” hosted in the "Sholokhov-Center" of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, organized jointly with the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University (IPJIC SFU). Students of both Rostov and regional educational institutions took part in it.

The conference participants were greeted with a parting word by the acting director of the IPJIC SFU Gulnara Lomakina, the head of the "Sholokhov-Center" Petr Sholokhov and the assistant professor of the Department of Russian Literature IPJIC SFU Tatyana Osipova. The jury of the conference included: Associate Professor IPJIC SFU, director of the High School of SFU, Anna Dmitrova, teacher of the Russian language and literature of school No.100 Natalya Kutnyakhova, undergraduate of IPJIC SFU Kristina Merkulova, graduate student IPJIC SFU Kristina Maksyuta.

In the year of the 115th anniversary of the writer and the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, special attention was paid to the military theme: the works of the participants were presented in the sections "The Great Patriotic of Mikhail Sholokhov" and "Don literature: Problems and Poetics."

In the section “Don Literature: Problems and Poetics”, the work “Passion Around Galoshes (Mikhail Sholokhov's story “Kaloshi” in a historical and literary context)” of a student of the 10th grade of Rostov school No.100 Elizaveta Devyataykina was recognized as the best. The second place was given to the work “Guys from Ulyanovsk Street or the Hard Days of the Occupied City” of a student of the 10th grade of Rostov school No.47 Denis Reshetov. The third place was given to the work “The Shards of Childhood” by Svetlana Gershanova: the non-parade details of the war” of a student of the 8th year of High School No.45, Ekaterina Roslaya.

In the second section the votes of the jury were divided and, as a result, four diplomas were issued. The first place went to Anastasia Gurieva, a student of the 8th year at Kagalnitsky school No.1, with the work “The Fate of a Man” and the novel “The Human Mother” by V. Zakrutkin. The second place was awarded to the eleven-year student of the Economic High School No.71 Giuliana Sargsyan for the project “The war and the fate of people on the pages of the works of M. Sholokhov”. The third place was shared among the student of the Verkhnesolenovskaya school David Ulikhanyan with a report “How is a person alive in the work of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” and the student of Rostov school No.61 Elizaveta Kolesova with a report “Love for the Country and Motherland as a moral and philosophical idea Cossacks in the novel by M. Sholokhov "And Quiet Flows the Don".

Conference participants were awarded with certificates, and winners - with diplomas and prizes from the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve and SFU. Teachers who prepared their students for the conference were given letters of thanks.


Anastasia Bezuglova