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For M.A. Sholokhov hunting was one of the favourite kinds of ...
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NewsTelling Students About Military Correspondent Sholokhov21.02.2020On the eve of the Memory Day of Mikhail Sholokhov and on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, employees of the Museum-Reserve spent an hour of memory with students of the Kruzhilinsky secondary school. The guys learned that on the second day of the Second World war, June 23, 1941, Mikhail Sholokhov sent an urgent telegram from Vyoshenskaya to the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR: "... I ask you to enroll the Stalin Prize awarded to me of the first degree to the USSR Defense Fund ... At any moment I’m ready to join the ranks of the workers and peasants of the Red Army and defend the socialist Motherland to the last drop of blood". Museum workers talked about the difficult journey of the war correspondent Sholokhov, the writer went through during the war years, about the unique documents stored in the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, the letters of the soldiers addressed to the writer and responses to Sholokhov's works about the Second World War were voiced. The children talked about the hardship and losses that the Soviet people had to endure during the war years, about the outstanding heroism of the Russian soldiers who defended peace on the earth.
Valentina Abramovskaya |