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Sholokhov Museum Congratulates Griboedov Museum


On January 15 the director of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve Olga Anistratenko took part in celebrations dedicated to the 225th birth of Alexander Griboedov and the 25th anniversary of the Museum-Reserve “Khmelita”.

In her welcoming speech, Olga Anistratenko emphasized the uniqueness of the outstanding classic of Russian literature, striking with his many talents, a prominent diplomatic figure who became one of the authors of the Turkmanchay peace treaty. She congratulated the staff of the only Griboedov museum in the world and noted the importance of their mission.

The ceremony was attended by the heads of the country's leading museums, Russian and foreign scientists, and representatives of public organizations. Director of the Museum Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladislav Kononov congratulated the museum staff and announced the decision taken by the Ministry to open a museum branch in the regional capital in Smolensk.

After the official part, the screening of the documentary film “The Second Life of Khmelita” took place and the scientific-practical conference “A.S. Griboedov and his era ", organized by the Museum-Reserve "Khmelita" in conjunction with the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky.