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Best in Russia!


Annual folklore and ethnographic festivals of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve “Sholokhov Spring”, “The Horse is the Dearest for the Cossack” (Vyoshenskiye Shermitsii) and the “Kruzhilin Toloki” were awarded the title “Best Events of 2020” according to the National Events Calendar of EventsInRussia.com.

Participants of a popular vote and then experts in the field of tourism and tourism events identified 200 of the best holidays in the country among 1800 applications of 70 regions of Russia.

It is gratifying that of the four major festivals held in the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve three entered the top 200 events in Russia and received the status of "national". At the same time, the Rostov region is represented only by these three events.

The all-Russian literary and folklore festival "Sholokhov Spring" is dedicated to the birthday of the great writer. This holiday demonstrates to guests and participants the whole flavor of the original Cossack culture, which imbues the works of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. In the anniversary year of the 115th birth of the writer and the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, the holiday will be held on May 22-24.

The holiday “The Horse is the Dearest for the Cossack” (Vyoshenskiye Shermitsii) tells about the inextricable connection of the Cossack and his faithful friend, the war horse. Shermitsii are the traditional games of the Don Cossacks, in which they demonstrate their strength, fighting spirit, endurance, weapons skills and mastery of horse-riding. This year, the festival, which will be held at the museum stables in the village of Vyoshenskaya on May 3, will be dedicated to two important dates: the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and the 450th anniversary of the Don Army.

"Kruzhilin Toloki " is a holiday that takes place in the small homeland of the writer in the farm Kruzhilinsky. Cossacks defined the wird "toloki" as the custom of gathering with neighbors to do hard work. This holiday tells about the peaceful life of the Cossack farm. Here everyone can, like a hundred years ago, plow a furrow with a heavy plow, which is pulled by bulls, sow grain on a screen, grind flour with millstones, forge a horseshoe, cook fragrant ukha (fish soup) - and all this under the fun Cossack songs, dances and the Don treats. This year the holiday will be held on August 23 and will be dedicated to the Apple Savior revered by the Cossacks.

According to the representatives of the National Events Calendar EventsInRussia.com, events that have received the status of “national” are the most significant events that tourists not only from all over Russia but also from neighboring countries seek to visit.

We are very glad that these bright events of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve marked by tourists and qualified experts.

We invite everyone to visit our museum and enter their lines in the "Open-Air Roman"!


Natalya Trofimenko