A Sketch for the Film “The Quiet Don”
A sketch “Grigory and Aksiniya” made by Boris Dulenkov for the ...
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NewsMuseum Editions Came Out10.01.2020At the end of preceding year, regular issues of periodicals of the Sholokhov museum-reserve - the collection "Vyoshensky Vestnik" and the magazine "The World of Sholokhov". In the nineteenth issue of “Vyoshensky Vestnik” the materials of the XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Sholokhov Readings”, which took place in the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya on September 11–13, 2019, and scientific articles by researchers of Mikhail Sholokhov’s life and work, were published. Among the authors of the collection there are researchers from Russia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan and research associates of the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The article “Museum in 2019: a chronicle of events” provides information on the most significant exhibitions, conferences, competitions, museum classes, holidays, other events, many of which were dedicated to significant dates - the Year of the Theater in Russia and the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the museum-reserve. The next, twelfth, issue of the scientific and educational national magazine “The World of Sholokhov” brought together the work of scientists, teachers, writers, museum workers, dedicated to the work of the great writer. The article “Sholokhov Today” by the outstanding scientist-philologist Pyotr Vasilyevich Palievsky, who recently passed away, opens the issue. The work published by him in 1986 is perceived today as freshly as before. The journal contains the traditional sections and headings “Literature studies”, “Linguistics”, “Pedagogical creativity”, in which there are articles by researchers A.N. Andreev, O.A. Davydova, N.A. Dvoryashina, S.A. Vasilyev, E.F. Kondyurina, A.A. Krotova, I.G. Mineralova, A.B. Udodova, N.S. Tsvetova and others. In the section "From the History of Sholokhovedenie (science about Mikhail Sholokhov’s life and work)" there is published the work of V.N. Zapevalov, dedicated to the work of the Don writer and journalist I.A. Rodionov, and the memoirs of N.P. Smirnov about meetings with M.A. Sholokhov in the 1930-1940s. in the “Archive” section. The heading “Museology” is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first Sholokhov Museum, which was opened in the village of Darinskoye (Kazakhstan) in the house where in the time of evacuation the Sholokho’s family lived from July 27, 1942 to the end of November 1943. On the "Literary Page" readers will get acquainted with the work of the prose writer Lydia Sycheva and the poet Nikolai Rachkov. The story “Alchba” by Ivan Trusov about the starvation of a dispossessed peasant woman, written in 1936, is preceded by an article of reflection by Yu.A. Dvoryashin "Truth and fearlessness" Ivan Trusov". Publications of the museum can be purchased in the "Souvenir shop" of the museum, and the electronic version of the journal "The World of Sholokhov" can be obtained by sending a request on our website.
Olga Bakhtiyarova |