A Portrait of M.A. Sholokhov
It is a crosslet embroidery work, a present to Sholokhov on ...
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NewsInteresting Guests at the Museum13.01.2020Sholokhov Museum-Reserve from January 8 to 10, 2020 was visited by Russian politicians: First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection Nikolai Sergeyevich Valuev and Deputy Head of the “United Russia” of the State Duma apparatus in the State Duma Ilya Ananiev. Guided tours were conducted by the grandson of the writer, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov. On the Sholokhov’s Estate guests laid flowers on the grave of the writer, saw the cars that he used in different years. Expositions in the “People’s House”, where memorial items from the house of Mikhail Sholokhov are presented, and a literary exhibition allowed guests to learn more about the life and work of the great writer. They also visited the museum stable, which does not leave indifferent any visitors. Vivid impressions were given to our guests by communication with horses and a ride on a cart, drawn by Don horses. Visitors from Moscow visited the writer's small homeland - the Kruzhilinsky farm. Here they saw the house where Mikhail Sholokhov was born, learned about his parents, about the childhood of the future writer. A visit to the Cossack courtyard of the late XIX - early XX centuries and tasting dishes of traditional Cossack cuisine made it possible for guests to feel the atmosphere of an old Cossack farm life. The guests made a tour of the museum complex in the stanitsa Karginskaya. They examined the house in which the Sholokhovs lived in 1919-1926. At the parish school where Misha Sholokhov studied, they learned about the formation of education in the Upper Don farms and stanitsas, attended a calligraphy lesson, tried to write with a fountain pen with ink, saw supplies and equipment for lessons, a school uniform from the middle of the last century. In the courtyard of Timophey Kargin they examined the famous mill described in one of the episodes of the novel "And Quiet Flows the Don", and got acquainted with the technology of flour milling. And in the cinema “Ideal”, the movie projectors of the last century aroused special interest of the guests. As a former sportsperson, Nikolai Sergeyevich Valuev visited the sports complexes of the Sholokhov and Bokovsky regions and met with young sportspeople and their coaches. During these meetings, the world boxing champion shared his experience with pleasure, answered the questions of the children about his sports career, personal hobbies, and also gave an autograph to everyone and took a picture with them.
Marina Furmanova |