A “Parker” Pen
The memorial Museum collection contains two pens of the “Parker” company, ...
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NewsExhibition “The Study and World of the Writer” is Opened in the Museum-Reserve “Polotnyany Zavod”07.03.2019An opening ceremony of the unique travelling exhibition “The Study and World of the Writer” took place on March 6, 2019, in the year of the 220th anniversary of A.S.Pushkin, in the area of the Museum-Reserve “Polotnyany Zavod”, a structure of the Kaluga United Museum-Reserve. This photo exhibition is an intermuseum exhibition project under the auspice of the Association of Literary Museums of the Russian Union of Museums. The project curator is the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The exhibition shows the photo works by Karp Grigoryevich Pashinyan, the RF Honoured Worker of Culture, member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Designers of Russia, a consultant photographer for the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. In his works, through the interior of the writer’s study he tells about the great Russian writers and poets, who lived and worked during the XVIII–XX centuries, from G.R.Derzhavin to M.A.Sholokhov. The exhibition opening ceremony was joined by A.G.Pilshchikov, head of the city settlement “Posyolok Polotnyany Zavod”, teachers, students of school No 1 and all the museum visitors who are fond of Russian literature. Following the first excursion the guests were shown a documentary “Living Voices of History” made by the resident of Polotnyany Zavod Galina Mityurnikova. The film is the winner of the III regional contest of film lovers “Our Country of Kaluga-2015” in the nomination “Local History Film”.
Valery Yemelyanov |