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Sholokhov Museum Took Part in the XX Felitsyn Readings


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the interregional scientific and practical conference “Felitsyn Readings-XX” (The problems of preservation, study and museumfication of historical, cultural and natural heritage), which was held during October 23–25, 2018, in Krasnodar.

The conference was dedicated to the 170th anniversary of E.D.Felitsyn, the founder of the Kuban military museum (now the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after E.D.Felitsyn). The jubilee forum was joined by the researchers, local historians, museum and archives workers, experts in the field of conservation of cultural heritage from Moscow, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov and Irkutsk regions, the republics of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, and North Ossetia. The talk “Archaeological Research in the Upper Don Region” was made by S.A.Usova, senior researcher of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

The conference members attended the exhibitions “For the 100th Anniversary of Komsomol (The Young Communist League)”, “Regalia and Relics of the Kuban Cossack Troops”, “Ancient Past of Kuban”, “Fanagoria.Archaeologic Pearl of Russia”, they visited the Krasnodar Art Museum Named after F.A.Kovalenko, attended the exhibition presentation “Dolls and Holidays of Japan” and the Krasnodar Music Theatre.

A collection of scientific papers was published based on the materials of the talks and discussions of the conference.


Svetlana Usova