A Letter from A.F.Zenin to Sholokhov
A letter of A.F.Zenin, January, 22, 1983. Sochi.
“Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich!
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NewsExhibition “Poetry of Nature: the Don Landscapes”24.10.2018On October 26, 2018, an exhibition of paintings “Poetry of Nature: the Don Landscapes” from the collection of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will begin its run in the excursion and exhibition centre “People’s House”. The name of the outstanding master of the artistic word M.A.Sholokhov is inextricably linked with the life of the Don country. Here, in his native country, among the wide steppes, motley grass, the sun-warmed arable land, in the thick of the life of Cossack villages and stanitsas, Sholokhov’s talent grew and matured. Here his immortal works were born that brought the world-wide fame to the author. The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov stores the works of a number of artists who displayed favourite places of the writer. It is very important, that the interesting, talented masters, whose work is near and clear for people, took up the theme of Sholokhov’s. His immortal works that made him world famous were born here. The exhibition shows the works by Boris Shcherbakov, Alexander Timofeyev, Ilya Khashkhayan, Natalya Chubanova, Rashit Maksyutov, and others. The canvases of these artists show images of the Don nature, pictures-reflections about the time, man, the native land. Boris Shcherbakov is a painter of realistic modern landscape. He made his own way loving Russian realistic pictorial art and Russian classic literature. So there appeared beautiful cycles of his landscapes: those of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Sholokhov. We are grateful to the artist for such a heartfelt display of the sights dear for any admirer of the work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. The Don painter Alexander Timofeyev is known as a master of painting and graphic works. Many things connect Timofeyev with Vyoshenskaya, Sholokhov country. The painter often came there to work. He painted villages and stanitsas, floodplain meadows, forests and steppes, mounds and the greenish waters of the River Don – all these is the main theme of his work. A special place in the work of the Don artist Ilya Khashkhayan is occupied by the paintings devoted to Sholokhov country. His skills to convey the uniqueness of the Don nature, to spiritualize it, is one of the master’s undoubted dignities. The People’s Artist of Russia Rashit Maksyutov worked in easel painting in the genres of the landscape and thematic picture. His Don landscapes are imbued with a great lyrical feeling, the finest colour ratio, mood arising in the contact with the world of nature. Everyday life of Don Cossacks is the main theme in the work of the woman artist Natalya Chubanova. Among the great variety of the plot motifs a special place is occupied by folklore. The works by Chubanova are full of musical rhythm, lines and colour spots. They show an organic alloy of real things seen in life and an artistic fantasy. All the fullness and versatility of impressions of the Don land, Sholokhov country, is splashed out from the canvases onto the viewers.
Irina Koveshnikova |