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“The Khopyor Dawns of Mikhail Sholokhov” Meets Guests


An environmental and local history holiday “The Khopyor Dawns of Mikhail Sholokhov” will take place on June 23, 2018, in Stanitsa Bukanovskaya the Volgograd Region, in the natural park “Nizhnekhopyorsky”. Traditionally, it will gather people from the Volgograd and neighbouring regions, and on the days of the World Cup, foreign guests are expected as well.

This year, the holiday aimed at preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the area and promotion of environmental tourism is timed to the 15th anniversary of the natural park. One of the most popular environmental and local history events connected with the name of the great Russian writer, the author of the world-known novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” help deeper understand the history of the country and learn about the traditional Cossack culture based on respectful and reverent attitude to nature.

The holiday program includes a performance of the folk ensembles, a fair representing the products of arts and crafts masters, a competition “Cossack Table”, where the guests will be treated with dishes of the traditional Cossack cuisine, and entertaining competitions of Cossack men and women.