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“Entertaining Hamlet” on “Sholokhov Spring”


On the festival days of “Sholokhov Spring” the most attraction for children and adults was the interactive area “Entertaining Hamlet”, where the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov prepared an informative and entertaining program “Visiting Don Cossacks”.

The numerous guests of the “Entertaining Hamlet” painted wooden spoons and ceramic horses, made pots of clay on the pottery wheel, burned patterns on a wooden panel, decorated the postcards with dried flowers.

Especially interesting was the exhibition “The History of Photography on the Upper Don in the Early Twentieth Century”, where everyone could have a photo taken wearing a Cossack costume in the interior of the old photo studio and receive a ready photo in a vignette. The visitors with their families put on Cossack dresses and, as in old days, posed to the photographer.

All the volunteers rode on big swings, in a horse- or pony-drawn carriage and tasted dishes from the Cossack field kitchen.