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Snowy Zapolyarye Visiting the Blooming Don


During May 3–10, 2018, the Museum-Reserve hosted a group of children from Tazovsky Settlement of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. The trip was initiated by the Commander of 6 ”K” cadet group, Denis Vladimirovich Tikhonov, Deputy Ataman of the Ob-Polar Divisional Cossack Society for sport and mass work, and youth policy. That was the second visit of the Siberian schoolchildren to the Don.

An informative and interesting program was prepared for the cadets. On those spring sunny days, 17 boys and girls, their form-master Olga Mikhailovna Suprenkova and the platoon commander visited Stanitsa Starocherkasskaya and Novocherkassk, where they learned about the history of the Don Cossacks, the Ust-Medveditsa Savior Transfiguration Monastery in Serafimovich, the landscape park “Loga” in the village of Staraya Stanitsa of the Kamensk District. Besides, for the boys and girls there were organized friendly matches in mini-football and pioneerball with the sports school students of Vyoshenskaya.

The visit to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya produced a lot of bright and unforgettable impressions. First, the schoolchildren visited the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov, where they laid flowers at the tomb of the writer and his wife, toured about all the museum exhibitions, admired the beauty of the Don scenes of Lebyazhy Yar and the Giant Oak, visited the forest park “Pearl of Eurasia” and planted young Amur Velvet trees. They were especially attracted by the workshops on making Don souvenirs, Cossack games and interactive classes. But the most important thing was their taking part in the literary ethnographic holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack.Battle Arts of Vyoshenskaya”, where the Yamal cadets took part in the Cossack pentathlon and won the prize in the individual championship.

On May 9, the young guests walked in the festive procession from the River Don to the stanitsa’s memorial “The Oath” and then joined the march “Immortal Regiment” with the residents of Vyoshenskaya.

The days in Sholokhov country passed quickly. On their leave, the children and their teachers shared their impressions of the Don steppe expanses, the places associated with the life and work of great Sholokhov, and the Upper Don cultural traditions. In the picture story made by the cadets there are two pictures, where we see snowdrifts and a blizzard – the moments of departure from Zapolyarye to Vyoshenskaya, and the moments of their returning home from the blooming Sholokhov country.

Yelena Ilyichova
Nadezhda Rasskazova