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Scottish Guests Visited Sholokhov Museum


On May 3, 2018, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was visited by guests from Glasgow, Scotland, – Frank Eterson, President of the “ScotRoss” Federation, member of the Scotland National Association of Robert Burns, Vadim Viktorovich Kolganov, President of the Don Cossacks and Scots Association, a sambo coach, and Oleg Borisovich Nikolayev, Vice-President of the Don regional public organization “Federation of Cossack Martial Arts "Shermitsia", Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the XIV International Cossack Games.

Guests from Foggy Albion are not uncommon in the Don area: Glasgow is a twin city of Rostov-on-Don, and this year they for the third time took part in the Cossack Martial Arts, which took place the day before in the Don ethnocomplex “Kumzha”.

In Sholokhov country, the foreign tourists visited the Museum structures in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, the Estate in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the Museum Stables, where preparations for the holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack” were in full swing. In Kruzhilin Village they saw the parental house and a Cossack farmstead of the late XIX–early XX centuries, and were treated with dishes of the traditional Cossack cuisine. Then they had a tour “Nature of the Don Country” to see the most picturesque nooks of our district.

We hope the visit of the Scottish guests will help to attract foreign tourists and establish friendly and good neighbourly relations with the representatives of other peoples, cultures and confessions.


Marina Furmanova