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NewsSholokhov-Centre Opens Exhibition about Sergey Yesenin14.03.2018A historical literary intermuseum exhibition project “And Again I am Travelling…” devoted to the life and work of Sergey Yesenin begins its run on March 27, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The exhibition will show the rarities from the collections of the State S.A.Yesenin Museum-Reserve (Konstantinovo), the Moscow State Museum of S.A.Yesenin, the Ryazan State Regional Artistic Museum named after I.P.Pozhalostin, the Ryazan Historical Architectural Museum-Reserve and the State Museum of Russian Literature History named after V.I.Dal. The writing career of Sergey Yesenin was short and impetuous, marked by sharp turns. The poet was destined to see revolutionary events in Russia, the Soviet Power formation, he experienced hope and love, and the deepest disappointment in people and in life. He was talented both in lyrics and in dramatic poetry. His life was a constant travelling. He visited the north, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Germany and America, he also visited Rostov-on-Don. Each of his journeys became a source of poetic inspiration, new images and impressions. Wherever Yesenin might go, he was always a glorifier of Rus with his poetry permeated with love for his native nature and desire to see his Motherland beautiful. The exhibition will show unique exhibits from the collections of the State S.A.Yesenin Museum-Reserve (of Konstantinovo), a homeland of the poet: personal belongings of S.A.Yesenin (a hat, gloves, a scarf), lifetime editions of his works, newspaper clippings and posters with the poet’s autographs dated 1918–1925, a tambourine of Isadora Duncan, which she used in her theatrical performances, costumes and houseware of the peasant village of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The State Museum of the Russian Literature History named after V.I.Dal displays the manuscripts of Yesenin’s works, the State Moscow S.A.Yesenin Museum – the family personal belongings and items of urban life of the early XX century, the Ryazan Historical Architectural Museum-Reserve – the poet’s original notebook with early verse (1915), his photos with his family, school, where he studied, at home, where he lived. There are paintings by the poet’s contemporaries showing the places, events and people met by Sergey Yesenin during his life from the collections of the Ryazan State Regional Artistic Museum named after I.P.Pozhalostin. The exhibition “And Again I am Travelling…” will run during March 27 – May 27, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, in; 125/69 Bolshaya Sadovaya, Rostov-on-Don. Working hours: from 10.00 to 17.00 (on Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 19.00), day off is Monday. Excursion Office: +7(863)210-90-14 (booking excursions), 210-90-17 (cashdesk). E-mail: |