Illustration for the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”
Six autolithographies by L.I. Shabarshina, unpublished earlier, were given to the ...
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NewsResults of the International Contest of Young Ecologists13.02.2018There are the results of the XI International contest of research works of the children and youth environmental movement “Sholokhov Source” on the topic “Literary Landscapes is the Cultural Heritage of the Nation” organized by the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve jointly with the Nongovernmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I.Vernadsky, the Rostov Region Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Sholokhov District Administration. The contest was actively participated by the young ecologists from the Rostov, Volgograd, Voronezh, Lipetsk regions, the republics of Lugansk (the LPR), the North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia) and near foreign countries – Kazakhstan and Belarus. The works are devoted to the literary landscapes depicted in the works of the national and foreign classics, to conservation of the cultural and natural heritage of Russia, to merging of nature and culture in the literary landscape, and to the subjects of environmental education. According to the contest results the winners and prize-winners were determined in various nominations.
Nomination “Literary Landscapes of Russia,
I place – A.Kharitonova “The Parisian Literary Landscape in the Work “A Holiday that is Always with You” by E.Hemingway”(Rostov-on-Don). II place – S.Ovseichuk “Don Switzerland (By Chekhov’s Well)” (the LPR). III place – V.Shokhina “A Wonderful Nook of Aksakovo” (the Republic of Kazakhstan); D.Agafonov, D.Yatsenko, V.Koval “Donbass Literary Landscapes” (the LPR).
Nominatiom “Conservation of Natural Heritage of Russia
I place – Y.Yukhnovich “Enrichment of the Black Crested Mangobeian Environment in Conditions of Aviary Management in the Park of Flora and Fauna “Royev Brook”. (Krasnoyarsk) II place – V.Shulenina, M.Chetvertkova, P.Bezborodova “The Study in the Problems of the Historical Part of the “Upper Park”(Lipetsk). II place – V.Kulagin “Assessment of the Possibility of Creating a Winter Ecological Path in the Forest "Oak Grove". (Voronezh).
Nomination “Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Russia
I place – M.Argentovsky, K.Ardavova, T.Kuliyeva “The Revival of Dear Names of My Land to Preserve the Connection of Times” (the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria). II place – R.Yakimov “Man of Extraordinary Destiny – Zhumagaliyev Bisen Zhumagaliyevich” (the Republic of Kazakhstan). III place – D.Zabolotsky “Rise and Fall of Stanitsa Yelanskaya” (Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya the Rostov Region).
Nomination “Merging of Nature and Culture
I place – Kh.Batsazov, A.Tedeyeva, A.Dzhanayeva “Totems-Trees in Tales and Legends”(the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). II place – A.Pryamukha “A Land of Nikolayevsk as Literary Landscape” (Nikolayevsk the Volgograd Region). III place – A.Vepritskaya, A.Akimova “Merging of Nature and Culture in the Literary Landscapes of A.P.Chekhov, I.A.Bunin and M.A.Sholokhov (Volzhsky the Volgograd Region); P.Zagorodnikova, “Kirill Turovsky is an Enlightener and Singer of the Belarusian Woodland Nature” (Gomel, the Republic of Belarus).
Nomination “Literary Forests, Parks and Squares”
I place – D.Ponomarenko “Our Favourite School Yard” (Taganrog). II place – T.Umbetaliyeva “Our Beautiful Square Named after A.S.Pushkin” (the Republic of Kazakhstan). III place – D.Miller, V.Kononova, A.Sergiyenko “The White Poplar” (Novoshakhtinsk.
Contest “Land-Art “Pearl of Eurasia”
I place – A.Bobkova (Voronezh) II place – V.Fomina, V,Titova, D.Leontyev (the Republic of Chuvashia) III place – P.Kovalyova, V.Limanskaya, I.Maly (the Lugansk People’s Republic).
The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve thanks all the students, teachers and leaders, who took part in the contest. The victory ceremony for the winners will take place on April 24, 2018, during the opening ceremony of the XIX Rally of the children and youth environmental movement “Sholokhov Source”.
Galina Pichuyeva |