The Men’s Headwear
Cossack men’s headwear is a special part of their clothes. It ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum will Open Exhibition “Genius Loci” in Orenburg15.02.2018On March 1, 2018, a photo exhibition “Genius Loci” presented by the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will open in the Orenburg Regional Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition will display art photos by Karp Pashinyan, who pictured the places, where L.N.Tolstoy, I.S.Turgenev, A.P.Chekhov, M.Y.Lermontov, A.T.Bolotov lived and created their works. For the epigraph for the exhibition the words of the German poet Johann Goethe were chosen: “If you want to understand the poet, go to his homeland!” The photo artist tried to convey a connection of the writers and poets with the place they lived in, to find the finest match between the landscapes, architectural appearance, interior decoration of the estates and the images of their literary creations. The first black-and-white photos were made by the author in 1986, in Melikhovo, at the estate of A.P.Chekhov, then, in summer and autumn 2014, he made pictures of the literary estates of Yasnaya Polyana, Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Tarkhany and Dvoryaninovo, as well as the estates of artist V.D.Polenov – Polenovo and of the famous composer S.V.Rakhmaninov – Ivanovka. Karp Grigoryevich Pashinyan is the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Designers of Russia. His works were repeatedly exhibited in our country and abroad. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Genius Loci” the guests will be welcomed by the folklore and ethnographic ensemble “Peregoda” of the Orenburg Regional Palace of Arts of Children and Youth named after V.P.Polyanichko. The exhibition will run until April 2, 2018.
Irina Panchenko |