Wooden Utensils
Handmade wooden utensils occupied a special place among the various household ...
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NewsNational Unity Day in Sholokhov-Centre07.11.2017“Responsible for the Past, Present and Future” was the heading of the program dedicated to the National Unity Day shown by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in Sholokhov-Centre on the 3 of November, 2017. The program was opened by a photo-exhibition of the works by Mariya Kim “The Don Flows across All Russia” prepared specially for the holiday. The exhibition consists of several sections: nature of the Don country, photographs showing well-known persons, spot commentaries of the literary and ethnographical holidays, a photo cycle “We are Together”. Mariya Kim, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, conducted an excursion telling the visitors about her work and about the concept of the exhibition answering the question what unites the people of the Don country. The works of the photo artists brightly show the ethnocultural diversity of the region and desire to preserve good traditions of different peoples living in the Don area. The holiday concert “In the Close-Knit Family” dedicated to the National Unity Day was joined by the social services of Rostov-on-Don. The actors of the amateur “Theatre on the Hand Palm” (director E.I.Oganezova) showed the performance “Stories of the Don. Stanitsa’s Detective”, and the group of the Social Service Centre of Rostov entertained the audience with their songs, poems and sung couplets.
Irina Pashkova |