Misha Sholokhov with His Parents
The parents of M.A. Sholokhov: Sholokhov Alexander Mikhailovich (1865-1925) was born ...
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NewsExhibition “The Manor World of Moscow Neighbourhood” is Open in Vyoshenskaya16.06.2017On June 9, 2017, the People’s House opened an exhibition “The Manor World of Moscow Neighbourhood” from the Moscow State Association of the Museums-Reserves “Kolomenskoye-Izmailovo-Lyublino”. The opening ceremony was preceded by an interesting performance of a vaudeville by V.A.Sollogub “Trouble from the Tender Heart” which has been on in Russia for over 150 years. The performance entertained with its sparkling humour and acute characters. The opening ceremony was joined by T.M.Yenina, Deputy Director of the Museum “Kolomenskoye-Izmailovo-Lyublino”, and T.Y.Turchin, Deputy Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The Moscow nobility lived high and was famous for its extraordinary cordiality and hospitality. The manors in Moscow neighbourhood were created for summer family vacation, reception of numerous guests and festive amusement. Aristocratic luxury organically went with the love for simple entertainment. The holiday showed the status and well-being of the estate owner, his awareness in matters of art and fashion, and his taste. The exhibition shows authentic tableware items of the Imperial glass and porcelain factories, items from the famous Company of M.S.Kuznetsov, Gardner’s factories, Kornilov Brothers’ factories. A great attraction is colourful glass table ware, rare porcelain tea and coffee sets, and elements of table setting. The visitor saw furniture, interior items of Russian and French work, old musical instruments, costumes and ladies’ accessories. A special section of the exhibition is a reconstruction of forgotten and outdated cakes and other tea-party dishes recovered after the old cookbook recipes by confectionery master Aldis Brichevs. The exhibition will enable the residents and guests of the Don stanitsa to have a look at the holiday life in the manors of Moscow neighbourhood which became personification of the Moscow nobility culture. The exhibition “The Manor World of Moscow Neighbourhood” will run until September 10, 2017. Irina Koveshnikova |