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Spring Environmental Week in Sholokhov Museum


A spring environmental week dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia started in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

On the first day the young ecologists from the Sholokhov and Bokovsky districts, and Rostov-on-Don passed by the natural-memorial routes and made virtual tours about the Sholokhov country.

During the tour the students from Sholokhov gymnasium passed by the environmental path “A Living Rill” from the embankment of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya along the River Don through the floodplain forest to reach and admire the Otrog, a source of the cleanest and tastiest drinking water.

The children from the Sholokhov Child Care Centre in Kalinin Village went by the natural-memorial route “On the Expanses of Tatarsky Village”, saw the scenery for the feature film “The Quiet Don” (the film director S.F.Bondarchuk) – Cossack huts and outbuildings in the farmyards of the Melekhovs and the Astakhovs, went up to the Senka’s Mount to the spring and heard about the folk legends and traditions.

The students of Kruzhilin school learned about the peculiarities of the virgin solonchak steppe described by M.A.Sholokhov in the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned” during the tour “Secrets of the Don Mounds” which follows the way of the novel hero Semyon Davydov.

The students from Stanitsa Karghinskaya passed through the neighbourhoods of their native stanitsa, found the places described in the works by M.A.Sholokhov, remember the lines from the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” and learned that many of the prototypes of his personages were Karghin folks.

The libraries of Rostov-on-Don held environmental meetings of school students, where they learned about the environmental initiatives on the territory of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and about the natural monuments located in the Sholokhov country, and took part in the environmental quest “Reading Books about Nature of the Home Country”.


Svetlana Pyatikova
Nataliya Kalinina