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“The Peoples of the Crimea” in the Don Country


On March 17, 2017, the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “People’s House” of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya will open the exhibition “The Peoples of the Crimea” from the Crimean Ethnographical Museum.

The joint project of the two museums connected by the creative cooperation will begin its run on the days when our country celebrates the important holiday – the Day of Reunification of the Crimea with Russia.

The Crimean Ethnographical Museum established in 1992, has got a unique collection comprising documentary, material and photo monuments characterizing the ethno-cultural traditions of the 30 peoples living in the Crimea.

The exhibits will tell about a diversity of cultures of the Crimea, about its polyethnicity due to the unique position of the Crimean peninsula in the knot of the intercultural ties of the Eastern Europe and the Black Sea basin.

The visitors will learn not only about the cultural features of the numerous peoples inhabiting the Crimea such as Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Byelorussians, but also about the peoples numbering less than 200 people, who live only on the territory of the Crimea (for example, Krymchaks). The traditional folk costume will be presented as an ethno-social passport containing the main personal information: the nationality, gender, age, social and marital status, belonging to a specific district, objects of economic activity, home furnishings, elements of religious cult and photo materials. The exhibition will present about 300 items, which are a pride of the collection of the Crimean Ethnographical Museum, and unique artifacts of the Crimean people’s culture. Certainly, they are of great cognitive interest for the most exacting museum visitors.

The exhibition “The Peoples of the Crimea” will run from March 17, to May 28, 2017.

Irina Koveshnikova