Sketches of Costumery for the Opera “The Quiet Don”
In the Museum there are 34 works of a scene-designer A.M. ...
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NewsThe Holidays of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov were included in the Top-200 of the Best Tourist Events of Russia20.12.2016The experts of the National Calendar selected 200 best Russian interregional and international event projects which gained the status “National Event 2017” and will be frequently presented in the international tourist market. This year, the number of the applications filed from 62 regions of Russia totaled 1400 and has become a record within the run of the project Events So, the competition for the title “national” was seven (!) projects per one. The festivals and holidays annually held by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov are included in the National Calendar, three of them being awarded the title “National Event 2017”:
“Steed is the Dearest for Cossack. Cossack Martial Arts of Vyoshenskaya”
“Sholokhov Spring”
“Kruzhilin Toloki”
Eventful activities have gained a growing attraction. Thousands of tourists come to the hospitable Sholokhov country to take part in bright impressive holidays and learn about the cultural, natural and ethnographical riches of the Don country. “National Event Calendar” is a project initiated by the RF Ministry of Culture and the Federal Tourism Agency, it runs as part of a comprehensive strategy for the promotion of Russian tourist product “Visit Russia / Time to Rest in Russia”. The project includes important eventful activities, leading national, cultural, musical, historical and sport events taking place in the Russian Federation, and it is an anchor project for their systematization and promotion in the domestic and international markets. |