A “Parker” Pen
The memorial Museum collection contains two pens of the “Parker” company, ...
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NewsExhibition of New Year Cards of the 1950–1980s16.12.2016The Memorial House in the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov opened on the 15 of December an exhibition “Cordial New Year Greetings!” It shows postcards of the 1950–1980s sent to M.A.Sholokhov. Annually, on the eve of New Year the writer received lots of greetings and the warmest wishes. He was congratulated by his relatives, friends, writers, figures of culture and arts, publishers, authority representatives and numerous readers. The postcards came from all parts of our country and from abroad. Thousands of people wanted to share their joy of the coming holiday with their favourite writer and wish him health and every success. Though the visitors will see only a part of the postcard collection, they will be able to feel cordiality of the congratulators. There are some of the greetings: “Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich! I congratulate you and your family on the New 1970 Year. I wish you excellent health and happy life. The wonderful works, especially “The Fate of a Man” are dear and close to me. Thank you very much for the truth of life you describe. I wish you all the best. Sincerely. N.Semionov, a war disabled veteran.” “Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich! Happy New Year from all my heart. Please, accept my hunting wishes: break a leg! M.Rylsky.” “Dear Granny and Grandpa! Happy New Year! I wish you good health, happiness and long years of life! Many kisses. Sincerely yours. Sasha.” Many postcards were written by Mikhail Alexandrovich himself. Even travelling abroad the Sholokhovs sent greetings to their relatives and friends. Their wishes are full of unusual warmth and humour sometimes. Here is a postcard sent to the brother of Mariya Petrovna, Ivan Petrovich: “Happy New Year! Be healthy, Ivan Petrov, and all others of the Gromoslavskys! Our greetings from distant Norway! Yours. The Sholokhovs! 31.12.1969. Oslo.” On the days before the New Year each visitor can send New Year greetings to his relatives and friends on the Soviet postcard of the 1950s just from the house of the writer. |