The Men’s Headwear
Cossack men’s headwear is a special part of their clothes. It ...
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NewsSeeing off Migratory Birds in the Kindergarten11.11.2016On November 11, within the project “Environmental Museum School”, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov held a class “Seeing off Migratory Birds” for the little residents of the stanitsa from “The Vyoshenskaya Child Development Centre – Kindergarten 2”. The class was aimed at consolidation and expansion of knowledge about migratory birds and development of a careful attitude to the birds. The Museum teachers told the children about the local migratory birds and the places they fly for winter. The preschool children could see the birds in the pictures, learned about the benefits of the birds, the reasons why they fly to warm countries, about special arranging of birds on long flights (wedge, shoal and flock), about the fact that some of them fly during a daytime, others do it at night, and that some of the birds both fly and walk. In the yard of the kindergarten the children watched the birds and their flying away, then they guessed riddles and played a game “Birds”. In class the children learned a lot of new things about migratory birds and remembered about those which stay here for the winter. In the next class the children and adults will make bird feeders to maintain feathered friends during winter colds. Yelena Soldatova |