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Classes for Preschool Children in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov


The Children Museum Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov began a cycle of classes “Preschool Children Learn about the Don Country”, where kindergarten children of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya acquire primary representation of the history and culture of the Upper Don Cossacks.

The children learned about the rules of behavior in the museum, about a museum object, exhibit, exhibition, visited the house, where M.A.Sholokhov lived and worked from 1928 to 1935.

Next classes will inform children about the Upper Don traditional crafts and trades, will show them how utensils are made of clay and how to distinguish between the types of pottery cookware (balsan, makhotka, jug, korchazhka).

In winter, attending the class “New Year with the Sholokhovs’ Family” the children will get into the atmosphere of the New Year holidays, which were held for children in the writer’s house, will attend “Cossack Sittings”, where they will learn about the folk winter holidays.

A cycle of classes “Folk Toy”, which will take place in spring, will tell the children about the toy as heir and keeper of Cossack culture. The children will see clay and wooden toys and will make an amulet doll by themselves.

Applying various forms of the work the museum teachers try to make each class informative, interesting and fascinating for children.

Olga Vidineyeva