Sholokhov with Electors
123 photo negatives from the archives of A.A. Zimovnov were donated ...
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News“A Living Chronicle of the War”28.10.2016Interactive classes “A Living Chronicle of the War” are held for schoolchildren at the exhibition “The Fate of a Man is the Fate of the People” in the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “People’s House”. First, the children learn about the creation history of the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A.Sholokhov, about the prototypes of its personages and artistic realization in cinema. Then the teacher shows to the children items of the wartime and “AKC-74” (Kalashnikov assault rifle), one of the kinds of contemporary firearms. Future soldiers learn to disassemble and assemble the machine, to pack a duffel bag and use properly a soldier’s cloak-tent. The boys and girls write letters-triangles on coloured sheets about peace protection. The class has already been attended by 170 schoolchildren from the Sholokhov District and from Volgodonsk. Tatyana Shevtsova |