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A.M.Sholokhov is Elected Russian ICOM President


A general meeting of the ICOM of Russia took place on October 6, in Moscow, in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. It discussed current affairs, strategic plans of the organization and elected president and presidium members for the period of 2016–2019.

Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, earlier director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, now Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Culture of the State Duma of the Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation, was elected by a majority vote the new ICOM president of Russia. Earlier he was twice vice-president of the ICOM of Russia – in 2009–2013, and 2013–2016.

At the press-conference A.M.Sholokhov shared his opinion that the museum movement inherently comprises the most powerful potential capable of counteracting “that flow of negative avalanching upon Russia.” He considers the State should necessarily again and again pay attention to the problems of the norms and financing of the museum business: “It is necessary both for the reason of great temptation to solve budget problems at the expense of culture and for attracting additional attention to the task of implementing the provisions of the State cultural policy foundations.”

Alexander Sholokhov intends to continue the policy chosen by the organization. He underlined: “I think my first steps in my new role will continue those steps, which the ICOM has been realizing for several years. On Vladimir Ilyich (Tolstoy) coming as elected president six years ago the work has significantly improved. Now, the ICOM of Russia plays a serious role in bringing together the museum community of Russia.”

The former president of the ICOM of Russia, V.I.Tolstoy, RF President Advisor for Culture, is a member of this organization presidium now.

The general meeting was submitted a report about the activities of the ICOM of Russia during the past three years; the prospects and important tasks outlined for the next period were discussed; and there was a presentation of current projects and developments in the sphere of museum business.

The International Council of Museums, ICOM, was established in 1946. Presently, it is represented in 136 countries. The ICOM has the highest consultative status with the UNESCO and with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Olga Bakhtiyarova