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Three Projects of Sholokhov Museum have Won in the Regional Contest of “Russian Event Award”


On September 28–29, in Sebastopol, the regional contest of the National Prize in event tourism “Russian Event Awards” of the North-Caucasian and Southern Federal Districts has been summed up. All the three projects presented by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in different nominations are recognized the winners and are marked with Diplomas of the First Degree.

The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is recognized the winner in the nomination “The Best Area for Event Tourism Development” among the museum exhibition complexes; the All-Russian literary and folklore festival “Sholokhov Spring” was the best in the nomination “The Best Tourist Event in Culture” and the annual literary and ethnographical holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack.Cossack Martial Arts of Vyoshenskaya” was the best in the nomination “The Best Tourist Event in Spreading Folk Traditions and Crafts”.

All the three projects will be presented at the finale of the National Prize in event tourism “Russian Event Awards”, which will be held on October 13–15, in Yaroslavl.