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NewsSholokhov Museum Joins the Exhibition Project “Here the Genius Lived …”21.09.2016On September 22, in Moscow, the State Museum of L.N.Tolstoy will start a run of the exhibition project “Here the Genius Lived …” Literary Places of Russia. For the 100th Anniversary of Painter Boris Shcherbakov”, which for the first time shows over 50 canvases of the painter. They were borrowed from the collections of seven Russian museums including the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. Boris Shcherbakov, a hereditary artist, master of landscape painting (1916–1995), from the 30s to the late 70s of the XX century worked over the thematic cycles devoted to the memorial literary places of Russia connected with the names of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Lermontov and Sholokhov. The painter set to the theme of Sholokhov places in 1973–1974. In Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya he worked over the cycle of the Don landscapes and met with M.A.Sholokhov. He created 40 paintings, of which 17 ones are kept and exhibited in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The exhibition in Moscow shows 5 landscapes –“Near the White Mountain”, “The Dear Steppe”, “At Noon. Steppe Ridges”, “Awaiting” and “Behind the Don. Autumn”. The exhibition project is joined by the State Museum of L.N.Tolstoy, the State Museum of A.S.Pushkin, the State Memorial and Natural Reserve “Museum Estate of L.N.Tolstoy “Yasnaya Polyana”, the State Memorial Historical Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve of A.S.Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”, the Orlov State Literary Museum of I.S.Turgenev and the State Museum Exhibition Centre “РОСИЗO”. |