Illustrations by O.G.Vereisky
The famous artist Orest Vereisky transferred a collection of his illustrations ...
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NewsA Berry… But Weighing not Raspberry!25.07.2016Watermelons have been grown in our area since old times. The climate is quite suitable, and the rest depends upon… Select good quality seed varieties and allow at least a minimal care, especially at first. And closer to August – here it is, green striped, with a red juicy pulp of sugar, in the centre of the family table! A big watermelon is usually the sweetest. No one is able to eat it alone, but only in a company of relatives or friends. But there can be such watermelons that even a company fails eating it all. The world record-breaker (American) weighed 90 kg, and the European one (by the way, from the Kuban area) is more than 60. Our watermelons are smaller, but still there are… “specimens”! So, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov decided to devote the next literary and ethnographic holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki” to “the watermelon matters” and to hold a competition for the biggest and heaviest watermelon. The competition will be called “A Miracle Berry-2016”. Inveterate watermelon growers, lovers and watermelon experts! Bring your striped “champions” on September 4, to Kruzhilin Village for the holiday! It makes sense: with the fame of a regional champion the winner will receive a cash prize. Write your name in the “watermelon history” of your native country! The scales have been prepared already. They will show who is worthy of admiration and the fame deserved. Hereinafter you can find Regulations of the Contest “A Miracle Berry-2016”. Read them carefully, take the biggest watermelon and…welcome to the holiday in Kruzhilin Village on September 4. Regulations of the Contest “A Miracle Berry-2016” |