Sholokhov’s Greetings for Leningrad School Leavers
In 2008 the writer’s elder daughter, Svetlana Mikhailovna Sholokhova granted for ...
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News“Children’s Sholokhov Spring” in Stanitsa Karghinskaya28.05.2016“Sholokhov Spring” brightly coloured came to the Don land again. According to the tradition it began with the literary and folklore holiday “Children’s Sholokhov Spring”, which on May 27, gathered young performers and guests in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where the great writer spent his childhood and youth. The square of Stanitsa Karghinskaya was overcrowded. The guests were greeted by A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, the grandson of the great writer, and Y.A.Pyatikov, Head of the Bokovsky District. The holiday program was rich and interesting. At the photo exhibition “The World of Sholokhov in Cinema” the visitors learned about the filming of Sholokhov’s works, saw the working moments of the film making, film fragments and photographs of the actors. On that day anyone could take part in shooting the film which star was the shame child, a prankish freckled boy called Minka according to the concept of the holiday director Y.Stratyeva and the film director N.Zherebilo.Together with the actors of “Gorodok” theatre of the Azov children and youth Art Media Centre, the adults and children passed the casting, took part in the rehearsal and then in real film making. Among the actors of the film there were residents of Stanitsa Karghinskaya and the director of the Museum-Reserve A.M.Sholokhov. The film was edited during the holiday and today its premiere will be shown. The guests of the holiday with enthusiasm took part in the master-classes devoted to the art of cinema, competed in throwing a knife, a lance, in cutting rods and had a ride on a pony. The exhibition of children’s works displays the best works of young artists and masters devoted to the works of M.A.Sholokhov and the Don country. “Children’s Sholokhov Spring” is an important and serious section of the big people’s holiday. The children with pleasure display the continuity of Cossack generations, knowledge of culture and everyday life of Cossacks and the work of M.A.Sholokhov. This year the concert program was joined by over thirty children’s groups from different parts of Russia: Moscow, Rostov, Kamensk, Volgograd, Serafimovich, Novoshakhtinsk, the Kashari, Sholokhov, Bokovsky, Krasnosulinsky, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky and Zimovnikovsky districts. Today “Children’s Sholokhov Spring” continues in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, where in the “People’s House” the film lecture devoted to the work of Alexander Khanzhonkov, the pioneer of Russian cinematograph takes place.
Tatyana Balak |