Juicer “Braun”
The household electric juicer “Braun” belonged to the family of M.A.Sholokhov.
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NewsA Flowerbed of Continuous Flowering17.05.2016On May 16, within the project “Environmental Museum School” the museum workers held a class “Laying out a Flowerbed” for the children of kindergarten 2 “Romashka” of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The lesson was aimed at training the children in planting flowers, using gardening tools and telling them about a flowerbed design. The children learned that flowers can be annual and perennial, and if they are correctly designed and planted, they would delight with their flowering from early spring till late autumn. The children learned about the technology of planting flowers, the rules of nursing them and then planted flowers in the yard of the kindergarten. The flowerbed was planted with annual flowers, as their advantage is quick growth and rich flowering during the whole summer. When laying out the flowerbed some things were considered: the plant height, flowering period and colour of the petals. The children took part in planting petunias, salvias, zinnias, tagetes, annual dahlias and ageratum. All the plants were grown in the greenhouse of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The children are going to take care of the flowers watering, weeding and loosening them. The time will show the results whether the flowerbed will be delightful and beautiful during the whole summer. Yelena Soldatova |