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On the Birthday of the Writer


On May days the homeland of the great Russian writer is always overcrowded. And on May 24, on his birthday, everyone desires to bow to his land, which raised the genius, to bring flowers to his tomb and to his bust at the River Don embankment.

Sholokhov’s birthday is always a holiday. Today the Memorial Estate, where the writer was buried, was visited by the residents and guests of the Stanitsa, museum-workers and delegations of public organizations. The day was sunny and the people’s mood was bright. Here, by the tomb of the great writer you understand particularly clearly, how we miss and need Mikhail Alexandrovich, his smile, his wisdom, his Word today. He, who had done enormously a lot for his native land, for revival of the Cossacks, who had contributed greatly into the world culture, was always modest, easy to communicate and did not like loud phrases. For each of us he remains a close and dear person, we read the lines of his works again, and again we experience the joy of immersion in the boundless world of Sholokhov.

Celebrations devoted to the great writer’s birthday will start on May 27, Friday, and during the three days the All-Russian literary and folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” will cover Kruzhilin Village, where Sholokhov was born, Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where he spent his childhood and youth, and Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, which is world known as the homeland of the heroes of Sholokhov’s books. The members and guests of the holiday will enjoy creative meetings, concerts, exhibition opening ceremonies, fairs of craftsmen, competitions and lots of interesting and bright events.

Sholokhov country is waiting for guests. Welcome to the birthday of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov!

Olga Bakhtiyarova