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News50 Years Ago M.A.Sholokhov Became a Winner of “Golden Ear”16.05.2016In 1966, M.A.Sholokhov was awarded the literary prize “Golden Ear” established by the newspaper “Dziennik Ludowy”, the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Polish People’s Republic, the Union of Rural Youth of the Polish People’s Republic and the Warsaw Book House. The winner was determined by the results of the readers’ contest «“Golden Ear” is for the Author, “Silver Ear” – for the Reader». During the contest the readers named their favourite writer and the work they liked grounding their choice. At that period, widely in Poland there were held readers’ conferences, which were actively covered by the newspaper “Dziennik Ludowy”. The wide public highly appreciated the work of M.A.Sholokhov and called him one of their favourite writers. The results of the readers’ contest were announced in May of 1966. On May 19, the newspaper “Dziennik Ludowy” published, that the contest was joined by 401276 readers, and the winners of the contest were the writers Mikhail Sholokhov (the USSR) and Sofia Nalkovskaya (the Polish People’s Republic). 160533 readers of Poland called the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” and the story “The Fate of a Man” to be close to their hearts, noted the power of Sholokhov’s talent, realism in depicting the images of the personages, facts, life phenomena, the skill for bright and subtle expression of the profound patriotism, respect and love for man. M.A.Sholokhov learned about awarding him the literary prize “Golden Ear” when he was on a visit to Japan, where he stayed from late in April till May of 1966, on invitation of the Association of Japanese Readers. The prize was handed over to the writer on January 11, 1967, in Moscow, at the Embassy of the Polish People’s Republic in the USSR by Edmund Pshulkovsky, the ambassador. Taking the award Mikhail Alexandrovich said: “I highly appreciate awarding me the prize “Golden Ear”. It is doubly dear for me, because I receive it from the readers of the country, which presented the world with many great men in the field of literature, arts and science. Also, I am thankful to all the contest organizers and ask you to give my deepest gratitude to the readers in Poland.”
Lyudmila Kochetova |