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“Mikhail Sholokhov” Lilac of Victory


The workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in the project “Environmental Museum School” held an action symbolically named “Lilac of Victory” on April 21, for the children of kindergarten 2 “Romashka” of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The children listened with great interest to the story about the All-Russian action “Lilac of Victory” dedicated to the memory of the soldiers died for freedom and independence of our Country. Then they took part in planting lilac saplings of “Mikhail Sholokhov” variety selected by the breeder L. Kolesnikov on the territory of the kindergarten.

The children, their parents, kindergarten teachers and museum workers worked on the territory of the mini park laid in the kindergarten yard. With great pleasure the children helped to dig holes, carry and support the small trees and covered the roots with earth and watered them. They used different tools and helped each other.

Besides lilac, there were planted horse chestnut, common elm and Crimean pine. In some time, the trees planted by the young patriots will grow and gladden other generations of children, who will go to this kindergarten.


Yelena Soldatova