Sholokhov Photo Chronicle by Georgy Petrusov
A unique collection of 40 photographs by a press photographer Georgy ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum at the Forum “Eventful Russia”19.04.2016The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve presented its projects at the First All-Russian tourist forum “Eventful Russia”, which took place in Tolyatti the Samara Region on April 12–14. During the three days the forum members shared their experience in organizing holidays and their secrets of increasing the tourist attractiveness of the regions. The Museum of M.A.Sholokhov presented for the professional community the most popular holidays – the All- Russian literary and folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring”, literary and ethnographic holidays “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack”(Cossack martial art of Vyoshenskaya), “Kruzhilin Toloki” and “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Days”. These events were highly appraised by the forum experts because of their uniqueness and professionalism of their organization.
Nataliya Trofimenko |