M.A. Sholokhov and M.P. Sholokhova
The picture was taken in the year of their wedding. The ...
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NewsSigns of Spring17.03.2016On March 16, the workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov held a class “Signs of Spring” for the children of kindergarten 2 “Romashka” (Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya) in the project “Ecological Museum School”. The class was aimed at expanding their outlook, generalizing their knowledge about spring changes in the nature and inculcation of love for a living and inanimate nature and the ability to feel the beauty. A week before the class, the children made an experiment “A Branch in a Vase”. They put sprigs of willow and birch into the water and observed them. Four days later, the willow gave buds and showed small green leaves. After six days of warmth and light, the birch also showed the buds. The young ecologists realized that the budding young leaves need warmth, light and water. A week later, there was a bouquet of branches with tender green leaves; it was nice and smelled of spring. At the lesson the children remembered the signs of spring, named the first migratory birds and the first flowers, primroses. They listened to the story how the life of plants and animals changes with the spring coming, guessed riddles and played games. The class was interesting, informative and fruitful.
Yelena Soldatova