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“A Person in Demand is Really Happy”


On February 9, it was the 90th anniversary of Svetlana Mikhailovna Sholokhova, the elder daughter of the great writer. She is a wonderful person, who made a great contribution into development of culture. On these days she receives lots of congratulations from different cities and parts of the country.

The congratulations were sent by V.P.Vodolatsky, Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defence Committee, V.B.Zotov, Moscow Mayor Advisor, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Presidential Cadet School named after M.A.Sholokhov, representatives of Cossack societies of Russia, public organizations and associations, former colleagues and all, who knows and loves Svetlana Mikhailovna.

There are some of the congratulations:

“Precious Svetlana Mikhailovna!

We send our sincere congratulations on your 90th anniversary.

Really, a person is happy when he is in demand. Svetlana Mikhailovna, your biography is admiring. Like your father, Mikhail Alexandrovich, and your mother, Mariya Petrovna, you built your hard destiny purposefully for the benefit of service to our Motherland, our Great Russia.

You were born in the year, when your father, the outstanding Russian writer, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, started his work on the immortal novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”, the shroud of the Russian language. We will always remember the long-term joint work over the reconstruction of the author’s variant of Sholokhov’s novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” according to the original, his manuscripts. Your encyclopedic knowledge of linguistics, textology, history, Cossack life and folklore, and your father’s life and aspirations, is priceless, enormous!... This work would not have been completed without your sincere endeavour. So, we pay honours to you, highly respected Svetlana Mikhailovna!

We know, that memorable Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin highly appreciated you, a real patriot of Russia. He always stressed to be familiar with you, a wonderful Russian woman. Viktor Stepanovich was proud of you. We were happy to see a sketch portrait of “little Svetochka”, which Mikhail Alexandrovich drew with a metal pen on the pages of his manuscript of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” in 1926. With a wonderful and joyful love your father pictured your image and inscribed: “Sholokhova Svetlana”. We attach this historical page from Sholokhov’s manuscripts to the congratulation.

On the day of your 90th anniversary we wish you, greatly respected Svetlana Mikhailovna, strong vitality and spiritual strength.

With great respect and honour, with filial love. A.V.Chernomyrdin, Chairman of the International Sholokhov Committee;

A.V.Struchkov, Executive Secretary of the International Sholokhov Committee.”


      “Dear Svetlana Mikhailovna!

On behalf of the Cossacks and chieftains of the Great Don Army we sincerely and cordially congratulate you on your jubilee birthday! You devoted a major part of your life to literature and publicism, and made a great contribution into development of science and education in our country. And always, the topical subject in your work was the study and spreading the traditions and customs of the Russian Cossacks. We owe much to you and your collaborators that you’ve managed to preserve the stratum of the Cossack culture which had been developed for centuries. It has become the basis for revival and development of Cossacks in modern Russia.

As academic secretary of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve you helped thousands of people to get to know deeper and more completely the outstanding literary and public heritage of your brilliant father, Mikhail Alexandrovich, a great celebrator and real patriot of our Country.

I wish you, Svetlana Mikhailovna, strength, vitality and happiness!

Sincerely. V.G.Goncharov, Chieftain of the Cossack Army Society “The Great Don Army”.