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The Exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will Run in Belgorod


On February 29, Belgorod State Literary Museum will begin showing the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” from the collection of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. It will tell the visitors about the life and work of the great Russian writer, who took really a unique place in literature of the XX century.

The visitors will see manuscripts, photographs, memorial objects, books of Sholokhov’s works in different foreign languages, will learn about his childhood and youth, his civic position establishment and hard work over the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”.

Among the writer’s personal belongings there is a desk, writing utensils, a typewriter, which he used while working, a pack of “Gauloises” cigarettes, a cigarette holder, an ashtray, fishing and hunting tackles.

One of the sectors is devoted to filming Sholokhov’s works. There will be shown costumes and shooting materials of the new film “The Quiet Don” by S.Ursulyak in 2015.

The exhibition runs from February 29, to April 24, in Belgorod State Literary Museum in: 38, Preobrazhenskaya, Belgorod.


Nina Noskina