Illustrations by I. Charskaya for the Novels of M.A. Sholokhov
The unpublished illustrations for the novels “And Quiet Flows the Don” ...
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NewsClasses by the Sacred Spring03.02.2016The primary students of Sholokhov School of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya go on learning about the memorial places connected with the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov within the project “Ecological Museum School”. This time the children went by the route from the sanatorium “Vyoshensky” to the Sacred Spring of the Don Icon of the Mother of God. On the territory of the sanatorium “Vyoshensky” the children shared their knowledge about its purpose and learned about the history of its establishing and about the fact that M.A.Sholokhov took the most active part in solving the problems concerning the construction and future activity of the sanatorium. Having visited the chapel of Kazan Icon of the Mother of God the children went to the Sacred Spring of the Icon of the Mother of God. On their way they talked about the therapeutic properties of the forest. The children knew much about the Otrog Spring and water blessing prayers on the days of Epiphany and Trinity, but only few of them knew about the Spring of the Don Icon of the Mother of God. The children observed the well of the spring, had some clean spring water. They discovered a new nice nook of our stanitsa.
Oksana Turchina |