An Autograph of Pyotr Lebedenko
In the Museum-Reserve collection there is a novel by the Don ...
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NewsThe Soul Giving Light to All08.02.2016The 9th of February is the anniversary of Svetlana Mikhailovna Sholokhova, a person of high spiritual culture, amazingly bright soul and clear look at the world around. This wonderful cultured lady is well-known and loved by everyone. A daughter of the great writer she is modest and unaffected in life. Svetlana Mikhailovna Sholokhova graduated with honours from the philological faculty of the Leningrad University. She taught at the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute, Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute (Kamchatka branch), worked as correspondent for the magazine “Krestyanka”, journal “Literaturnaya Gruziya” and newspapaer “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. For 10 years she worked as senior editor at the Leningrad branch of “Detskaya Literatura” publisher and prepared and issued a lot of interesting and useful books for children: “Don Quixote” by M.Servantes, “On a Nice Island of Buyan” (a collection of works of Russian folklore), “Hobbit” by J.Tolkien and many others. In 1993, Svetlana Mikhailovna moved to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya for permanent residence and for 12 years she worked as academic secretary in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. Her great work for preservation of her father’s literary heritage, which she continues doing today, has been highly appreciated. A significant event in Sholokhov literary scholarship was a preface by Svetlana Mikhailovna to the novel “They Fought for Their Country” published in Moscow, in 1995, with the text pages restored. She was a consultant of the second film adaptation “Virgin Soil Upturned” (the film director A.Ivanov, 1959) and the film “The Don Story” (the film director V.Fetin, 1964). Her work on preparation of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” to be published based on the novel manuscripts found (Library of V.S.Chernomyrdin) was marked by the Big Literary Award of Russia (2011) established by the Union of Russian Writers and “Alros” Joint Stock Company. We all, Museum workers, highly appreciate and respect Svetlana Mikhailovna, a person of great spiritual culture and deep knowledge. Her companionship has become a real school to have enriched us with knowledge of life and work of the great writer and disclosed her rare human soul to us. This wonderful lady is generously endowed with an exceptional kindness, unselfishness, love for life, sense of humour, feminine charm and ability to understand and help people. With sincere love and deep respect the workers of Sholokhov Museum-Reserve congratulate Svetlana Mikhailovna on her anniversary and wish her health and wellbeing.
Nataliya Kirsanova |