“The Don Still-Life” by Igor Rebrov
The collection comprising 8 works of art by a young Rostov ...
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News“At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds…”19.01.2016The exhibition “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds…” starts its run in the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “People’s House” on January, 21. It is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Nikolay Alexandrovich Bulavin, the first director of our Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The visitors will see unique photos from the Museum archives telling about the work of N.A.Bulavin, his activity as chairman of the Vyoshensky District Executive Committee, the First Secretary of the District Communist Party Committee and in relations with Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. As the deputy for the USSR Supreme Soviet the writer supported the initiatives of Nikolay Alexandrovich and assisted him in the district development. After the death of M.A.Sholokhov, N.A.Bulavin being aware of the need to memorialize the writer became an initiator of establishing a memorial museum and in 1984 he was appointed its director. From the very beginning of the Museum activity Nikolay Alexandrovich chose the right direction in its development, and now the Museum team follows this course writing new pages in the history of the “Open Air Novel”. All who worked with the first director and knew him personally, remember him to be a strong-willed, talented, intellectual and very charming man. In the memory of the Museum fellow-workers he remains an example of a boundless devotion to the chosen cause and to the country. The exhibition shows personal awards of N.A.Bulavin, the photos telling about the Museum foundation and the first exhibits. The visitors will learn more about the first director of the Museum and will be able to evaluate his contribution into establishment and development of the only Rostov Region museum of Federal significance.
The exhibition will run until February, 21, 2016.
Irina Panchenko |