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Museum Collection

Misha Sholokhov with His Parents

The parents of M.A. Sholokhov: Sholokhov Alexander Mikhailovich (1865-1925) was born in Zaraisk, the Ryazan Region, now Moscow Region. At the end of the XIX century he settled on the Don, in Kruzhilin Village. He kept a small shop in his estate. In different years he went about trading in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, in Karghin Village. In Pleshaki Village he managed a steam-mill of the Elan merchant Simonov. In 1921-1922 he was the manager of the Purveyance Office of the Donprodkom N32 in Stanitsa Karghinskaya.

Chernikova (Sholokhova by marriage) Anastasiya Danilovna (1871-1942) was born to the family of the former serf peasants. Her forefathers, with other serfs, were taken by a landowner Popov from the Chernigov Region (Ukrain). The family lived in Yasenovka Village near Kruzhilin Village. As early as twelve years of age Anastasiya worked in the house of a landowner D. Popov, first as servant, then as housemaid. She got acquainted with A.M. Sholokhov in Yasenovka. In 1905 their son Mikhail was born. In 1913 Alexander Mikhailovich and Anastasiya Danilovna legalized their relations, wedded in the Karghin church. The son was registered under his father’s surname (before that he was cousidered illegitimate).